DLOG_135_Control Panel.txt Bounds: x1=84, y1=120, x2=410, y2=291 ProcID: 4 Visible: false GoAway: false RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 135 Title: 'Shutdown Items Configuration' DLOG_134_more options.txt Bounds: x1=77, y1=31, x2=412, y2=330 ProcID: 1 Visible: false GoAway: false RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 134 Title: 'shutdown options' Auto position: 0x300A (use alert position on main screen) DLOG_133_type of warning.txt Bounds: x1=68, y1=69, x2=422, y2=267 ProcID: 1 Visible: false GoAway: false RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 133 Title: 'shutdown options' Auto position: 0x300A (use alert position on main screen) DLOG_131_Using default values.txt Bounds: x1=32, y1=44, x2=341, y2=102 ProcID: 3 Visible: true GoAway: false RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 131 Title: '' DLOG_129_Get serial number.txt Bounds: x1=110, y1=94, x2=375, y2=191 ProcID: 1 Visible: true GoAway: false RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 129 Title: '' DLOG_128_when to launch items.txt Bounds: x1=67, y1=70, x2=432, y2=290 ProcID: 1 Visible: false GoAway: false RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 128 Title: 'shutdown options' Auto position: 0x300A (use alert position on main screen)